Installing Elm with Stack
I am quite conservative with what I install on my computer. Even more so when it comes to installing package some package manager just to be able to use one package hosted. I have been meaning to play with Elm for some time and it was disappointing to see the requirement of npm, in addition to a source install, to use it on GNU/Linux. Of course I have been misreading the following statement:
Second, if you are on some linux OS and just want to use Elm, use the npm installer.
You can either use the npm package, or you can build from source. But I read this as you need both. And then tweeted this:
Installing #elm on linux seems quite messy.
— Atamert Ölçgen (@muhuk) July 19, 2016
I don't want to install npm.
I don't have #haskell installed. (I use stack)
Then I have stumbled upon this post describing how to build Elm with Stack. I followed the instructions there and managed to install Elm. This post contains slightly modified instructions to build Elm 0.17.1.
I assume you have stack installed.
1. Prepare Stack Project
Create an elm directory, but don’t run stack new ...:
mkdir elm
cd elm
Clone elm-platform’s components:
git clone -b 0.17.1
git clone -b 0.17.1
git clone -b 0.17.1
git clone -b 0.17.1
git clone -b 0.17.1
Now we can create our stack project:
stack init --resolver ghc-7.10.2
2. Patch aeson-pretty Dependency
According to this pull request we need to edit elm-compiler/elm-compiler.cabal file’s Build-depends: section to require aeson-pretty as such:
aeson-pretty < 0.8,
And after that we need to update our stack.yaml:
stack solver --update-config
3. Build Platform
stack install elm-{compiler,make,package,repl}
stack install elm-reactor
If these commands fail, retrying should help. You would know to give up when the count of remaining builds stop decreasing.
4. Bonus: elm-format
If you have successfully built elm-platform using the instructions above installing elm-format should be easy. Here are the commands I have used to build on my machine:
git clone
cd elm-format
stack init --resolver ghc-7.10.3
stack install elm-format
I ended up elm-format-0.16 & elm-format-0.17 binaries in my ~/bin. But elm-mode needs a elm-format executable:
cd ~/bin
ln -s elm-format-0.17 elm-format
Everything should be ready for some Elm hacking now.
If you have any questions, suggestions or corrections feel free to drop me a line.